Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Assignment 1A

Assignment 1A

Q nalysis of Organization/Program Serving Infants and Toddlers and Their Families Part A: Select and Describe Organization/Program (15 pts) Select an organization/program that serves infants and toddlers and their families.The organization or program you choose must serve infants between 0-3 years of age and/or their families. You will select this program from the following: List of Organizations. Provide a description of the organization and who the organization serves.What is the primary aim of the program/organization? What kinds of programs do they offer? Please describe. What population does the program serve? (e.g. teen parents, parents of low birth weight infants, etc.) Why are you interested in exploring this program? Be specific. For instance, did you choose Nurse-Family partnership because you are interested in going into the medical field? Did you choose New Beginnings because you are interested in how to support incarcerated mothers? Is your interest based on who is served by the organization, such as infants and fathers or mothers? Consider choosing an organization that you could imagine yourself playing a role in and what that role might be. Add a sentence about your thoughts on this. (1 & 1/2 page, double-spaced)

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